Thank you to Spectrum News & Aliah Keller for sharing my story. 

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Donate Now, Click The James Logo The Jay Holdgreve Endowment for Testicular Cancer Research 
 Fund # 643250 

Endowment Total

per The James as of 09/30/2024



Thank you for your support!!

Support the Jay Holdgreve Endowment by buying this beautiful handcrafted and painted 36” x 19.5” wood American flag.  This American flag was handcrafted by Ryan Holdgreve, would look great in any home, office, barn, etc.

The picture doesn’t do it justice, it is even more beautiful in person, and now you can buy one for yourself for $125.

Ryan will be donating a portion of each sale to the Jay Holdgreve Endowment for Testicular Cancer Research @ OSU’s James Cancer Hospital

Please reach out to me if you are interested in purchasing one. or text 614-309-7431)

Thank you Ryan Holdgreve for wanting to Pay Forward and your support over the years!

Testicular Cancer Survivors or Supporters

When I was initially diagnosed I knew no one who had gone through all of this. Thankfully, I was informed that a co-worker’s husband (Terri & Ken) had been diagnosed almost 20 years ago. They have been very supportive and an invaluable resource. I was also contacted by a Bishop Hartley High School graduate (Nick) who I had known from my time as their Certified Athletic Trainer. He was given my number by the Athletic Director at Bishop Hartley and I am so grateful he called. He answered a lot of my questions and quelled a lot of the fears from the unknown.

My goal is to establish a registry of men who have been diagnosed with Testicular Cancer who are willing to be contacted by others who have questions on diagnosis, treatments, physicians, etc. If you are interested in being a part of this registry please contact me at:

Testicular Cancer Awareness Research Education

The National Cancer Institute estimates that 8,480 men will be diagnosed with and 350 men will die of cancer of the testis in 2010. In August, I, Jay Holdgreve, became a confirmed case. I was just a 34 year old guy from with no family history or risk factors. The diagnosis has forever changed me as a man, husband and father. The website was launched to raise awareness, educate and become a resource for those individuals diagnosed with Testicular Cancer. With an increase in Testicular Cancer awareness/education and improved funding for research, one day Testicular Cancer will not take the lives of any more men.

Since the initial appointment with  Dr. Ray Pongonis  on August 10, 2010 my life has been one big roller coaster ride. Luckily I stayed in touch with him from my days as a  Student Athletic Trainer at The Ohio State University (1994-199).  He was instrumental in organizing the best possible care available. His referral to  Dr. Ahmad Shabsigh  and his team at  The James Cancer Hospital was the initial step for a full recovery.

Never in my wildest dream would I have thought a consult at a cancer hospital could be so “calming”. Dr. Shabsigh, his staff, and all of the employees at The James were so respectful, knowledgeable and professional that they took the edge off for my wife and me during that initial visit. Dr. Shabsigh was very confident that I caught it early and no matter what there was a 95% cure rate and he hammered that fact over and over. I left the James that day confident that I was going to BEAT CANCER! 

“You can never pay back, but you can always pay forward”

Woody Hayes


Being a Buckeye from birth and 1999 alum, I heard that quote or “Pay it Forward” thousands of times. After my diagnosis, I finally understood the true meaning of Woody Hayes’ iconic phrase. I can never pay back all the people who are helping me during my journey but I can “Pay It Forward”.
Testicular Cancer is rarely discussed and the lack of awareness and education keeps 16-34 year old males from knowing and/or reporting their symptoms, increasing their risk of more intense treatment or death. I want to Pay Forward so my two sons and all males are more aware and better educated about Testicular Cancer.

The Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute at The Ohio State University is one of the nation’s finest institutions and a leader in cancer care and research. To my surprise there was not one, out of 200+ funds, established for Testicular Cancer awareness, research or education. Even staff members at the James were astonished by this news. On December 14, 2010 I established The Jay Holdgreve Endowment for Testicular Cancer Research.  The Endowment ensures Dr. Shabsigh and his colleagues at The Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute at The Ohio State University have the resources required to discover the cure for Testicular Cancer. Under the guidance of Chris Delisio (Director of Development)and Kim Collins (Assistant Director-Community Partners) The Jay Holdgreve Endowment for Testicular Cancer Research will fulfill my number one goal-BEAT CANCER!!

The Official Ribbon of and for Testicular Cancer

I have been asked numerous times, what is the official color for Testicular Cancer? The answer according to my research is the following. Orchid is the original and “official” color used to show support for those stricken with Testicular Cancer.

In England the procedure is called an Orchidectomy so that is how orchid originally came about. Yellow has become more popular over the last few years, thanks to Lance Armstrong. So Orchid and Yellow are both good choices to wear showing your support. When I use the yellow ribbon I make sure it says Testicular Cancer Awareness. I proudly wear an orchid ribbon on my jacket, that was given to me by a friend.